For our journey to England we took a taxi, plane, bus, and train! We were doing great up until out last train connection when we were told after the train was boarded that it was cancelled due to a car that was on the tracks. Everyone had to get off the train and find other means of transport! Meanwhile, Val and Dan Nelson, friends of Mike's from SC, were waiting for us at the next stop! Fortunately pay phones do work! But around half hour later we realized that we didn't have our computer bag any more! I flipped out !!!! But once Mike got me to calm down i had enough sense to ask the train manager what i should do. I told them exactly where we thought we left it and they made some phone calls....they found it!!!! They sent it on a train back to us!!! MIRACLE!!!! Thank God!!!!
Dan and Val took us to their home in Bridge, England- close to Canterbury. They have the most adorable house!!! It was so nice to stay in a home and not a hostel for a few days!
It was a lovely visit with great homecooked food, fun company, stroops (which are amazing cookie like desert, thank God i cannot understand what a kilocal is in comparison to Calories!!!), hot coco, lots of cold wet weather but so much fun!!! Thanks Dan and Val for being amazing hosts! And even waking up at 5 am to drive us to the airport!!!!